Monday, December 03, 2007
Video link of Rachel's Spanish
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Church in Artolita
Dave began a series of teachings on the importance of unity. We had about 15 people there, and this was also the service where we told the church we will be coming each Sunday to work with them and minister to them. The church was very open to having us return each week! At the end of the service, three of the youth in the church presented a dance that they choreographed. It was such a blessing to see these youth so ready and willing to praise and worship in the dance!
We have made plans to be able to spend each Sunday after service in Artolita to be able to establish relationships with the people, and get to know others that are not a part of the church as well. Last Sunday was a great day walking around and meeting a few of the families there. One of the ladies we met was named Maria. We had the opportunity to pray for her concerning paralysis she has been experiencing in her face. We are believing that God will show Himself strong and bring healing to her body! After we walked around a bit, and the children were able to enjoy the creek some, we went to the home of one of the ladies in the church named Florita. It was a great time of just getting to know each other. We were invited to stay for dinner with her, before heading back home. It was a great time, and we look forward to what God will do each week as we return!! We ask you to please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition, that it will not only be smooth for us, but for the congregation as well! May God bless the little town of Artolita!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
More blessings from the Lord!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
We have a NEW VAN!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Our Thanksgiving miracle!
Here are a few Thanksgiving pics. One of course of our miracle turkey and everyone of us Southerners know that Thanksgiving would not be complete without a wonderful dressing! You can see the girls here having a good time mixing it up the right way!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
October update

We have received so much favor through the owner of the house. The house was fully furnished with all appliances, including a new stove and washing machine, but the only thing we were going to have to get was a television. The owner decided to go ahead and purchase a new TV and placed it in the house as well! He replaced the living room furniture, which what he had was fine with us, with a new living room set. He also expanded the carport to where it is the full length of the house now. This is a great blessing to us because we are using the carport for our Bible classes now! For our first children's class in our new home, we were outside under the carport and we had 8 children from our neighborhood come! It was the most we have ever had in a kid's class so far and they all really seemed to enjoy themselves. Our neighbor that was watching from her kitchen window seemed to enjoy it as well! We are so thankful for the many blessings we have been given and now we look forward to new souls being added to His Kingdom! Because of the rains, we were not able to have a kids class last week, but today we had 5 children come and two of them were new ones. During our prayer time today, all 5 children gave their hearts to the Lord!! PRAISE GOD!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Mother's Day in Costa Rica
Sunday, August 12, 2007
July/August update
We spent another 10 days in Jinotega, Nicaragua when we had to leave in July. It was a good trip. While we were there, Dave was asked to preach at the Wednesday night service. The following Sunday there was a large group of Americans that came to visit the church, so Dave was asked to translate Pastor Serafin's sermon into English during the service. This was a first for Dave and he did an excellent job.
Trying to get home from Nicaragua on this trip was a real adventure! We left Jinotega on Monday to go to the capital city of Managua and spend the night. This always allows us to be able to take the first bus out of Nicaragua to Costa Rica. Tuesday morning we woke at 4 am to prepare to take the 6 am bus. Our bus left Managua at 6 am and it took us right at 3 hours to get to the border. This is always where the adventure really begins! We spent an hour and a half on the Nicaragua side exiting the country and another hour and a half on the Costa Rica side entering! The bus stop that we need is one hour from the border in the city of Liberia. We exited the bus and arrived at the next bus station just in time to get on the bus we needed to head home. I have to tell you that the "bus system" in Costa Rica has been an adventure in itself to try to learn! In our town of Potrero, we are the LAST stop on our bus route. The buses that go to our town only run 5-6 times a day. So catching the bus at the right time is very crucial. Missing the bus means waiting hours for the next one to come through! So we knew we needed to be in Liberia by a certain time so we could catch the bus we needed to get us to the NEXT bus stop to get us home. We were very excited to see we had made it to Liberia "just in time"! We knew it would be at least an hour to get to our next stop and we should just make it! Everything was going great...until about 30 minutes into the trip the bus starts smoking and you could smell something burning! All there was to do was wait for another bus to come by to take us further on. The buses here are always jam packed with people. You not only have all the seats full...but every area of the aisle is usually full of people standing. So waiting for another bus...we knew the ones coming by would most likely be full! After waiting about 45 min. or so we heard the driver say a bus was coming. Our driver knew we needed to get to our next stop, and he knew that everyone that was on his bus would be fighting to try to get on this one. He told the driver we needed to get to the next he allowed us to get on first. There was no room to get in the front door of the bus so we had to enter the back side door. I get on with Rachel, Levi and Hannah. It was so full that we had to squeeze into a corner of the bus where the handicapped area was. I turned and looked behind me just in time to see my husband step in and put the suitcase in with one hand....and the bus driver SHUT THE DOOR! Dave had one arm and one leg in the bus and Jeremiah was still outside waiting to get on with his suitcase! Everyone in the back of the bus was yelling at the driver to open the door. He finally opens husband and Jeremiah get on...and we were off again! We got to the bus stop and realized we had missed our bus to get home. It began to pour down raining while we were waiting, so we proceeded to get soaked along with our bags! We ended up waiting for about an hour before a bus came through that would take us close to our town...but was not going to Potrero. An hour and a half later we exited the bus and took a taxi the rest of the way home. We arrived home 12 hours after we started our journey! Anyone else want to join us on the next trip? LOL! Now you can see why a 6 month visa will be such a blessing to us!
We have not moved into our new home yet. We are still waiting either for a renter to come for the house we are in presently or for the end of September which is when our contract is up.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
June Update
We are in the process now of making plans to hold a children's crusade in a town close to us, Brasalito, in January. God is already beginning to show His favor in this area. Dave has been to the town and has talked to the director of the school there about having the crusade at the school, as well as using the school for weekly Bible studies. He has an appointment to go back in mid July to find out what we need to do to secure the school for this. We are asking you to be in prayer with us concerning this. We want to reach out to the children, but we also plan to have a time to minister to the adults, as well as the youth! There are members of our home church in Tn. that want to come and assist with the crusade. We are believing that the Lord will open up finances and provide for them to be able to come.
We have been asking the Lord to open up doors of opportunity to share His love with people and He has been answering. We have reached out to our neighbors across the street to us many times, but had not seen any interest in them as far as God is concerned-until now! One day a couple weeks ago, one of our neighbors had a problem with his neck. It was swollen twice its size and it was very uncomfortable for this man. He knew where to go for help though...he asked for prayer! Dave prayed for him and asked God to show His love to this man and heal him. The next morning we saw him outside and asked him how he was. He said he was doing great! The swelling had gone down and he was able to sleep the night before better than had before! He knew it was God that touched him.
One day not too long ago, Dave was in Brasalito waiting for someone to meet him for dinner. He started talking to several men that were hanging around and God opened the door for him to be able to share several things about the Lord. The men were receptive to what Dave was sharing and invited him to stay there and watch the soccer game while he was waiting. A few days later, Dave returned to Brasalito and saw one of the men he had been talking with. In conversation, Dave found out that one of the men he had been sharing with a few days before was one of the drug dealers in this town! We are asking the Lord to continue to open up doors to talk to him again and many more like him.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
June Update (con.)
Prayer requests that we ask you to stand in agreement with us on:
1.Pray for the children's crusade coming up in January. Pray for continued favor with the town of Brasalito to hold the crusade there. Pray for provision for those that wish to come and help.
2.Pray for continued open doors of opportunity to share about God's abundant love and for favor to hold Bible studies in Brasalito.
3.Pray for a renter to be available soon for the home we are presently in or for the owner of this home to release us from this contract and give us our deposit back! We are believing to be in our new home by the end of July!
4.Pray for a hunger and a thirst for righteousness in our town of Potrero.
Psa 5:12 For You, Lord, will bless the [uncompromisingly] righteous [him who is upright and in right standing with You]; as with a shield You will surround him with goodwill (pleasure and favor).
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
We had a great trip to Nicaragua once again. It was nice to see and visit with friends there. While we were there, we were able to attend a quincinera, which is a special birthday party for a young girl that turns 15. It is significant of the young lady entering into womanhood. Katia, the girl that lived with us for some time while we were in Nicaragua, celebrated her birthday while we were there. It was a nice celebration and fun to be a part of this popular cultural experience.
Dave preached at one of the services in Pastor Serafin's church and I was able to spend some time with the youth dance team helping them choreograph and practice new songs. It was nice to see the growth in the young ladies of the dance team as they are continuing to minister.
Youth dance team of Nicaragua
The children's Bible classes have been continuing to do well. The children look forward to coming each week and learning more. It thrills us to see how quickly the children learn the Bible verses and the songs we have been teaching them. Last week we did a lesson on fear and how the Lord is always with us. Dave taught on the story of David and Goliath. He asked the children to raise their hand if they had ever heard the story before...noone raised their hand! It was their first time hearing the story! We are overjoyed at the being able to present these stories to the children for their first time. In two weeks, we will be inviting the parents to come to the children's class with their kids and see what they are learning. It will be a good time for the parents to see what the kids do in class...and will give us an oppurtunity to reach out to the parents. We appreciate your prayers concerning this.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for this ministry. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless you! We appreciate each of you!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
April update
Easter Sunday our family woke up very early to go to the beach and have a time of reading the Easter story and thanking God for the things He has done for us. Rachel and Levi made the decision to be baptized on Easter Sunday too. What a joy it was to witness two of our children's baptisms in the beautiful waters of Costa Rica.
As a side note, we would like to add a couple pictures from the rodeo that was in our town a little over a week ago. The rodeo travels to a new town every weekend and they set up in the local soccer fields. There is bull riding, cowboys on horses, and rides for the children. We had a great time visiting each night and watching the bulls.
We have been in Costa Rica now for 6 months, so this means it is time to renew our visas once again. We will be leaving tomorrow morning to travel to Nicaragua for a week long trip to visit with friends there in Jinotega. We ask you to keep us in your prayers during our traveling time and that we will have ease crossing the borders going and coming. We appreciate and covet your prayers. May God continue to bless you in all you do!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Children's Classes started
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Our children have been experiencing many lessons on how important it is to always show and portray the character of Christ. For all of their lives, they were surrounded by friends at church in Nashville. They had neighbor friends too, but the bulk of their friendships came from our home church. This was the same for them in Nicaragua as well. Here in Costa Rica, things have been quite different for them. They have made friends....but these friends come from unsaved homes where Jesus is not the center of everything. The children they play with are not Christians...and our children are getting a taste of how important it is to have the attitude of Jesus. At is difficult for them, but we see them maturing and growing stronger in what they believe and why it is important. Rachel has become a little evangelist! She was out playing one day with one of the little girls that seems to be at our house daily, or outside playing with my girls.
We covet and appreciate the prayers of all of our family and friends. We would like to ask you to keep several issues in prayer for us.
1. Pray with us as we seek God's will on beginning a children's Bible class.
2. Pray for divine opportunities to reach out to our neighbors, and that God will open their hearts to receive from us.
3.Pray for us concerning residency in Costa Rica. This is a somewhat difficult task because of all the laws here concerning residency. There is a missionary residency available, but one of the laws states that you must be affiliated with the Catholic church to obtain this.
4. Pray for us to have wisdom each day to carry out His will for that day! We do not want to miss any opportunites that He has for us!
We love and appreciate each of you. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless you in all you do. May His face shine upon you!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
We have an address!
Charles Davis Anderson
Apartado 183 - 5150
Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica