We have noticed a few challenges we did not have in Nicaragua. In Nicaragua, many things were easily accesible; banking, shopping at grocery stores, shopping at the market,etc. The main challenge we have faced is the shopping issue. Because we live in a beach community the prices here are pretty outrageous for Costa Rica.In our neighborhood, we have a few little Mom and Pop grocery stores we buy necessities at, but even they can be pretty expensive. We have found out that even most of the locals do not shop here. So we found out about a great market that is 25 miles away. Now 25 miles may not seem far if you are going across town, it may take you a half hour more or less. Here in Costa Rica that 25 miles by bus takes 2 hours when you figure in the stops the bus has to make and not to mention the many, many potholes that have to be avoided! So, last Saturday, the whole family woke up at 5 am to catch the 6 am bus and make it to Santa Cruz by 8 am when the market opened. This market is only open on Saturday for a half day. We found a gold mine when we arrived; wonderful fruits and vegetables, great prices, and many booths to choose from!! Let me just give you one example of the difference in prices from the market to what we can get locally in our neighborhood. Dave bought one pineapple from our local grocery store that cost two dollars. When we got to the market in Santa Cruz we were able to buy 3 for two dollars! Boy...those fresh smoothies sure taste good on a hot night!! :) Another great deal we found on the streets of Santa Cruz are the vendors that just set up along the roadways. We had to get Rachel a new pair of flip flops (all those trips to the beach must have worn them out! LOL). Here, there are only souvenir type shops within about 10 miles, so Dave got her a pair on one of his outings. The flip flops alone cost $10.00! When we went to Santa Cruz we found them for $3!!! So.....we are gaining wisdom in the area of shopping!!
Although some things have been challenging, we have seen God begin to move and open doors of oppurtunities. We continue to pray for wisdom and guidance as He continues to lead and direct us in the path we are to go daily. We appreciate your prayers and I want to say a special thank you for all who prayed for me during the time following the death of my daddy. God has truely ministered His peace to me and I know it is due to the prayers of many. Thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement as well. You are all apreciated very much! May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do.
Glad to hear that things are going well for y'all. We love and miss y'all very much! =)
Hi Crystal and Pastor Dave,
It sounds like a good deal to me,you teach them English in return you learn Spanish. Praise God that they want to know more about the Lord!!
Wow! What a find at the market on the fruit and flip flops. Now that is the kind of shopping I like to do! Love those bargins!!
I will keep that family in prayer as I do your family. Good luck on the Spanish.
Love to all
Helen Kepple
Hello! Wow. We keep getting more and more excited when hearing about the things in Costa Rica. You two are so READY! God is so faithful. I am eager to see how quickly word spreads...
Also, have you seen or talked to the people you met the first time who seemed excited about your moving there? I had wondered if they still lived there or not.
Thanks for keeping us posted! Praying for you,
Alan and Maranda
So, wonderful you are adjusting so well. We love you and miss you.
Chris & Monya Calhoun
Dave, Crystal and kids, it is so good to be able to keep up with what is happening in your lives. You were such a blessing to me when I was in Nicaragua. I do not know what exactly are my plans for the future as far as Nicaragua goes. It looks as if I may be taking in an 11 year old boy who needs a lot of love. I pray for you often. I know you are making a difference for the Lord. I miss you and hope that God will allow our paths to cross again someday, but if not I look forward to an eterninty in heaven with you. Robin
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