Sunday, July 01, 2007

June Update

The month of June has been a month full of favor from the Lord. Our Pastors from Tennessee came to see us for about 10 days and we had a wonderful time visiting with them. God really used them to minister to us and renew vision and purpose within us. We are so thankful for Pastors that are sensitive to God's Spirit and allow Him to use them to speak truth into our lives. When our Pastors come to Costa Rica, they always stay at the same hotel and God has opened many doors for them to be able to speak to and share God's love with many of the workers there. One of the workers in particular, Milton, is a manager at the hotel. He, his wife and his son came to our home and had lunch with us and Pastors. We had a great time getting to know him and sharing God's love with his family.

We are in the process now of making plans to hold a children's crusade in a town close to us, Brasalito, in January. God is already beginning to show His favor in this area. Dave has been to the town and has talked to the director of the school there about having the crusade at the school, as well as using the school for weekly Bible studies. He has an appointment to go back in mid July to find out what we need to do to secure the school for this. We are asking you to be in prayer with us concerning this. We want to reach out to the children, but we also plan to have a time to minister to the adults, as well as the youth! There are members of our home church in Tn. that want to come and assist with the crusade. We are believing that the Lord will open up finances and provide for them to be able to come.

We have been asking the Lord to open up doors of opportunity to share His love with people and He has been answering. We have reached out to our neighbors across the street to us many times, but had not seen any interest in them as far as God is concerned-until now! One day a couple weeks ago, one of our neighbors had a problem with his neck. It was swollen twice its size and it was very uncomfortable for this man. He knew where to go for help though...he asked for prayer! Dave prayed for him and asked God to show His love to this man and heal him. The next morning we saw him outside and asked him how he was. He said he was doing great! The swelling had gone down and he was able to sleep the night before better than had before! He knew it was God that touched him.

One day not too long ago, Dave was in Brasalito waiting for someone to meet him for dinner. He started talking to several men that were hanging around and God opened the door for him to be able to share several things about the Lord. The men were receptive to what Dave was sharing and invited him to stay there and watch the soccer game while he was waiting. A few days later, Dave returned to Brasalito and saw one of the men he had been talking with. In conversation, Dave found out that one of the men he had been sharing with a few days before was one of the drug dealers in this town! We are asking the Lord to continue to open up doors to talk to him again and many more like him.